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Privacy Policy

QuoteBot site privacy policy

Information gathered

This site uses the discord oauth2 system, meaning no login information like passwords or usernames is stored on the server, this site only saves user information till the user logs out of the application, this uses cookies, these are not used unless you login. The bot only has access to the basic information about your user account such as what guilds / servers you are in and what permissions you may have, it also uses basic information about your profile such as your username. No information about users or profiles is saved on the site. This site also uses Matomo analytics and cookies to improve your experience.

Information saved

No data about users is saved, this information is only retained on the server for the duration of the session and deleted on logout, some guild information is saved on the server, this includes your guild id which is stored in a database along with the sprites to determine which server the sprites belong to. The sprites you upload are saved into a MySQL database along with the guild id, this data is retained on the server until deleted by the user. This is different for premium, see here.

How information is processed

QuoteBot and the QuoteBot site are run on seperate servers to allow better performance, when a user in a guild runs a command that requires getting a sprite image, a request is made by QuoteBot to a private API that allows the bot to query what sprites a guild has and request to any of those sprites depending on what command has been issued by the user. The bot may also upload these sprites to discord depending on the user command (either a sprite in a generated textbox or if the user uses a showsprite command), this means by uploading a sprite to the site, you give consent for that sprite to be uploaded to discord by the bot, this also means you give permission to discord to host your content on their cdn network, see here. By uploading sprites, you have the rights to allow discord to host them.

Is data shared?

Data you share logging in with discord or general use of the site is not shared with anyone, data you upload may be uploaded to discord, as stated in the last paragraph.

Contact about this

If you have any concerns, you can ask about this in the QuoteBot support server.